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School Improvement Team

Within the trust the following staff provide School Development support in the following areas:

Bernie Green, Whole School Development Strategy
CEO of PPAT Education, National Leader of Education, previously Headteacher of two Outstanding schools.Strength in Whole School development strategy.

Pauline Price, School Development lead
Previous CEO of The Huish Academy Trust and National Leader of Education. Experience of leading a Teaching School. Headteacher experience in Somerset and Dorset. Senior Leadership experience in London. Strength in working with school teams to ensure excellent practice.”

Claire Hodgson, KS2 English & Mathematics lead and Church distinctiveness lead
Headteacher of an Outstanding Church School with exceptional knowledge and practice in ensuring excellent Church distinctiveness.

Luke Talmage, Pupil Premium support and Trust training co-ordinator
Current Headteacher with strong experience of leading schools in diverse socio economic settings. Excellent strategy lead in ensuring best value for Pupil Premium funding, resulting in excellent outcomes for children.

Tiffany Doughty Davis, Curriculum lead
Current Headteacher with a particular strength in Curriculum design.

Ellie Booth, SEND & Behaviour lead

Alan Clode, SEND & Behaviour lead

Kerri Tucker, SEND & Behaviour lead

Hayley Silver, EYFS & KS1 English & Mathematics lead

Laura Grabham, EYFS lead

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